Saturday's Strange Brew

Saturday's strange brew feature.  Since I am exploring some darker things in my art of late, I thought I'd introduce you to Cotu.  He is the mascot of my new series I am working on in regards to the Carnival of the Unseen.  He is certainly one of those beings from somewhere else.  You never know what he will do or say.  He is the quintessential bad kid.  But, he has fleeting moments of niceness.

Cotu is pure assemblage.  He is made from part of a vinyl toy baby and a glass Christmas ornament.  Plastic wings finish him off in ghoulish style.  A rather simple offering from me.  But, you know sometimes I think less is more.  Have a great Saturday everyone.  Oh, and don't forget about my giveaway.  You can revisit the post here.


Coach Z said…
I love your dark works...what comes out of your exploration is fabulous. The characters are fasinating and the work so intriguing. I love how this one turned out!
Cody Goodin said…
Thank you MarZel for your insights. I wish there was a group of artists that would feel comfortable enough to have little critique sessions. I need honest input on my work. I respect your insight. Thank you so much.
Unknown said…
I think it looks so sophisticated and soooo could see that anywhere.

Cody Goodin said…
Thank you Sonia.
Chrissy said…
Cody, he is great! I am not into the dark stuff myself, but I love all your creatures...
Chris :-)
Cody Goodin said…
Thanks Chris, I normally don't create dark things. But, sometimes it is necessary to let it out.
Chrissy said…
You are so right. I did make one dark doll, although I think she was more goth and my sister had to have her! LOL I guess if the mood strikes you got to go with it!
Carla Trujillo said…
Awesome doll Cody!! Hope things are healing well with you! I attended the doll making class this past Saturday and I picked up on some interesting tips for making mixed media pieces! Now, I just need to find the time to try them.
Anonymous said…
Sometimes, exploring the dark side is a good thing!

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