Seeing the World in Shades of Gray

Merry winter Solstice to all of you out there in cyberland.  I hope your holidays are going well.  I have been busy keeping up with my photography for my photo of the day posts on Facebook.  My class has ended and it was clear to me I need to keep going and continue my creative journey.  My current explorations are with black and white images.  I wanted to focus on seeing the world in tones, texture and shapes without the distraction of color.  Not that I mind color, I love it, but also like the challenges of black and white.

In the two scenes I am sharing here I have chosen the busy city streets of Cincinnati.  These were taken from the street corner where my workplace is located.  I am using a simple Nikon point and shoot camera.  The great thing about these cameras is that they are simple and easy to carry around.

Well, that's it for today.  I am gearing up for some art making on the holiday days off I will have and getting some of my subjects completed for my next series of photographic images.  Plus, I have some more painting I need to do to satisfy that particular artist residing in me.  Have a great weekend one and all.


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