Hello Spring!
Another birthday has come and gone. A year older, maybe wiser and certainly ready to keep on trucking. It has been a long cold winter and as many of you know really cold. So, I can be confident in stating that we are ready for spring, Oh yes, we are so ready for it. At long last it is here at least on the calendar anyway.
My first signs of spring came earlier this week as I watched a Mockingbird keep watch over his newly acquired territory near my bus stop. This little guy is very inquisitive and seems to make an attempt to communicate with we humans. It is such a delight to see nature marching on and getting ready to explode in color and beauty.
I know this beauty of a flower is technically a summer bloom. But, I couldn't help but present it here as my banner of the arrival of spring. One of my favorite seasons of the year. Perhaps you could say I am a middle of the road kind of guy. I like both spring and fall. But, the transitions seem to be the most dynamic and interesting to me. They are opposites that herald change.
Welcome spring 2014. I hope you bring the promise of renewal to all who choose to dip in it's energetic flow. I am certainly ready to get going and shake out the winter blahs for good this year. Time to get some creativity moving. Have an awesome rest of the week to you all. I am anxiously awaiting the last of my set and prop pieces so I can finally start my photo shoots. Going to the big studio today to make preparations for the set up and alterations of things as needed. There are lots of things to move and I will be making many bus trips to take it all there. So, again have a great second half of the week.
I hope to just be not sick by spring. Enjoy your hopefully nice and warm spring.
hugs Karen