A New Year and Renewed Focus

A very happy new year of 2014 to all of you out there in the land of blogs.  I hope your holidays were good.  Now that the season has come to a soft close for me, it is time for renewed focus and goal setting for the year ahead.  Most of the art I am hoping to make involves photographing dolls and figures in a variety of scenes and situations.  I have decided that using dolls, toys and such helps me to detach any direct human likeness to the subject.  I have been loving how I can use dolls, or other figures of that nature create a sense of dialogue without making it too personal for any one person.  Plus, dolls don't require contracts and payment.  So, to me this is a great match for my evolution in creating.  Last year saw some major decisions in regards to my art making.  I know I face more challenges in the year ahead.  But, with usual "I don't give a damn," fortitude I will move on.  One challenge is the snobbery of photography in the fine art circles here in Cincinnati.  I don't know if that is the case elsewhere in the country or world.  But, for some reason photography is still seen here as not that serious of a medium. So what's new, dolls weren't either.  I am used to forging new frontiers.

On that note, of regrouping and digging in my heels, I am sharing a few experiments.  I apologize up front for showing a doll I have shown before.  But, I have been trying to capture a more artistic expression with the image.  I am trying to make the image an art piece in and of itself.  Since I plan on using dolls and toys as my subjects, what more perfect one than my most recent pieces.

Here is an image of my Little Cody doll I made last year.  I decided to try and make it have a slight painterly feel to the image.  One of the things I am planning is to make cards and little magnets with the images.

This is a close up shot I decided to try a similar post processing treatment on to get the look I wanted.  What a cute albeit slightly creepy cutie. So, there you have it.  My creative fun for my new years day.  The tradition goes that what you do on this day will be a sign of what you will be doing the rest of the year.  So, hurray for me, creating is it.

Thank you as always for stopping by to see what is up in Codyland.  I am working on the series of dolls I had started late last year.  Just had too much going on the month of December.  But, hope to be back at them and get some more cool photo illustrations going.  Have a great rest of the week.


Karen Mallory said…
Go for it all Cody!! And your little Cody is a cutie!!
Hey I crafted with paperwork! good start to the year.
hugs Karen
Cody Goodin said…
We both will make amazing art this year.

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