Project Finished

Merry holidays out there to all my friends and followers. I hope you are enjoying this day after the great end of all that is. I have finally finished a big Christmas project. The six dolls representing five of my favorite people/friends and partner. They were created for celebrating the thirty plus years of friendship with these guys. It was a fun project. These dolls are all cloth except for the eyes. The cloths are a combination of shirts given by each person to me to make cloths that had a piece of each of us in them. Very appropriate for this new age of coming together. This is Randy and Brett. Myself and my partner Buck. Here we have Mark and Dan. This was such a fun project all be it a bit tiring trying to get six of everything done. I remember why I never wanted to be a production artist. Tonight is the big reveal to my friends and the alter egos going to their new homes. We are all hav...